Thursday, September 3, 2009


So Dave and I have the best neighbors...Rich & Karen. Despite the fact that Karen had surgery the same week I had James, she has given us food several times to help keep us fed. We are profusely thankful and as we were told when we moved in, "No one ever turns away food from Karen's kitchen." Everything she sends our way is amazing, even things I wouldn't think would be like cabbage casserole and zuchinni cakes. All of it is fantastic. And as if the food wasn't enough, we came home from the hospital last night and our lawn was mowed!! Truly great people. Thanks Rich & Karen!


  1. What great neighbors! I'm so glad you have such wonderfully supportive people around you. Love the updates! Sending our love from St. Louis...Lucy sends wet, slobbery, teething kisses to James!

  2. Up to! I'm so happy to know you're getting along with help from neighbors & family. I'm praying for the miracle and that you can bring James home before too long. Just keep getting stronger yourselves. I hope Dave enjoys his new company--quite a few adjustments all at once for all of you! To think that anyone would ever think life is boring...never!
    Love, A. Jane
