Monday, September 20, 2010

8 More Days!

I am feeling very large and uncomfortable these days. I am looking forward to having this baby next Tuesday (9/28)! I have a check up this Thursday and then an amnio on Monday to make sure the baby's ready for Tuesday. I am anxiously awaiting having my body back to myself!

James got his ear tubes in last Tuesday and got his fraenulem under his tongue snipped. The actual procedure took less than 20 minutes, but we were at the hospital for 6 hours. James did a good job...he just thought that after surgery was a perfect time for a nap. They wouldn't let us go until he was awake and had drank a cup full of apple juice. He's doing well now. I haven't really noticed a huge difference in his behaviors or eating, but at least there isn't a bunch of fluid in his ears anymore.

I think that's all for now. James' therapy is keeping us busy during the week and we are outside as much as we can on the weekends enjoying the fall weather. James loves being outside! You can tell he wants to get down and play with the other kids at the park...hopefully in the spring.


  1. Good luck next week! Are you having the baby early or is there another reason for the amnio? We'll be praying for an easy delivery and a healthy boy! :)

  2. So glad everything went well. Can't wait for #2 to make his appearance!!!!

  3. I had a classical c-section with James so any more kids have to be delivered by c-section at 37 weeks. So yes, the amnio is because I'm going a little early.
