Sunday, April 25, 2010

Moving Day

James was able to move out of the ICU today, finally! He is in a regular room on the surgical floor now which means we get to eat in his room and talk on our phones. Oh, the perks of a regular room!

James is being weened off his oxygen. He'll probably be able to come off of it tomorrow. He is definitely starting to get bored and wants to move around more. If they do the dye test tomorrow (as planned) and he passes, then he will be able to get his NG tube out. This will mean that there's nothing him from going on walks. I think he will love being pulled around in one of the wagons they keep around here :)


  1. So glad you are in a regular room now! Keep us posted!

  2. Congratulations, James, on your final(?) surgery! By the time we meet, you'll probably be a very active little toddler! Your Mommy & Daddy have been with you and suffered too, so be especially kind to them! I love Psalm 121 and those lines have helped me to weather many a life storm. I'm praying every day for you and your whole family. Your new brother or sister will need a quilt. How exciting to hear that news! Just keep on healing. Love, G.A. Jane
