Friday, April 16, 2010


Post-operation day 4: James is still being weened off the ventilator. The doctors expect him to be off the ventby the end of today. They're also backing off on some of his meds, hoping that it will help him come off the vent easier. James is still sleeping most of the time. When he's awake it's for very short periods of time (5-10 minutes). The meds make him drowsy and he can't really do anything with the vent still in anyway.

Dave and I have been taking turns staying the night with him...only one of us is allowed to stay since he's in the ICU. Hopefully he'll be strong enough for a regular room soon so that way we can have more visitors at once and we'll be able to eat and talk on our phones in his room. Thankfully the nurses are very understanding with the saltines in my diet right now and they don't really mind when I munch on those :) They even give me Ginger Ale when I need it.

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