Tuesday, January 18, 2011

James Update

I just realized that the last couple of posts I've made have been about Andrew and that those blog readers out there might want to know how James has been doing and are just too polite (or scared) to ask. Well, James is doing fine. He hit a low point the Monday after Christmas and has been getting steadily better since then. He's still on his breathing treatments twice a day, which can be doubled if he gets any cold symptoms. The pulmonologist wants him on the treatments at least until cold/flu season is over. We will reevaluate in April to see if he needs them on a permanent basis. James will forever more be on his Prevacid (or some other reflux med), but the surgeon is hopeful that we will be able to back off on the dosage size as well as the motility drug he's on (to speed up digestion) as James grows. We are keeping James away from daycare, nurseries, and play groups for now. Since he puts absolutely everything in his mouth right now there's really no way to keep him away from germs, but we're hopeful that keeping him out of these environments will go a long way to keeping him healthy.

James' development has also been getting better since Christmas. He can't crawl yet, but he is finally showing a desire to be mobile. He can transition from sitting to laying down now, which is a huge step for him. He has his own way of going short distances which includes a process of sitting, laying down, sitting, ... He'll also roll and scoot on his back using his head and feet. It's quite the site. He is finally putting weight on his feet and will stand with help, but refuses to walk (even when standing on my feet). James' weight is in the 15% right now, but the kid would eat non-stop if we'd let him so we're not really that worried about his size for now. He is finally developing more vowel sounds and will scream "eeeeee" at the top of his lungs until he is acknowledged. He's getting better at communicating what he wants with reaching and pushing things away. We're working on some sign language, but he still has a long way to go on that. Overall January has been light years better than December and we are hopeful that his progress and health will continue to get better each day.

Thank you for all the continued prayers and encouragement!! Enjoy a few pics of James :)

Likes sitting in his little booster seat.
Likes rocking and reading

Loves watching his favorite TV shows
(not sure what we'd do without PBS)

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear James is doing much better! Hopefully 2011 will be a great year for all of you!
