Saturday, November 13, 2010


James is 15 months old...
  • weighed in at 22 pounds 8 ounces and 30.5 inches (25%)
  • can feed himself pieces of soft food now, like bananas and avocado
  • stable at sitting (finally!) and working on building his arm strength with his therapists so that he can learn to crawl
  • has 14 teeth (only 2 canines and 2-year molars to go)
  • had his second hair more mullet!
  • loves being outside

Andrew will be 6 weeks on Monday...

  • weighed in at 9 pounds 3 ounces and 21 inches
  • got put on Zantac for reflux
  • eats, spits ups, sleeps, spits up...
  • already very strong and can hold his head up for a few seconds during tummy time
  • prefers being held


  1. We are glad everyone is growing well! The canines are the worst!!!

  2. That is pretty close to our Emilynn, I took her to the doctor last week and she was 9 1/2 pounds. And she has reflux to, I know alot of babies lately who have reflux it is crazy. Emilynn and Andrew were born on the same day. So cool, hope things are going well for you.
