Sunday, October 23, 2011

The Things

Dave and I were so excited to celebrate Halloween this year. We missed it last year (Andrew was only a few weeks old and James was getting over pneumonia), so we wanted to make sure we did some fun things this year. Yesterday we went to PPG's Trunk or Treat. The boys had a great time pushing their walkers around the park. Today we went to the Fall Festival at a nearby church. Again, the boys loved pushing their walkers around everywhere! The boys enjoy watching "The Cat in the Hat" on PBS right now so we thought Thing 1 and Thing 2 were perfect costumes for them :) They did a great job and (fyi) the spray in hair color comes out really easy.

All ready for the party!

Thing 1 and Dave in the Hat :)

Dave and I both wore hats :)

Dave was trying to hold them still so I could get a shot of them together.

Sitting on the car...silly Things.

James loves pushing the walker through the grass now...a feat he could not do a week ago!

Love that smile!

Playing in the pumpkins.

Love my Things!

James was trying to crawl over this pumpkin, but kept getting stuck!

Colton, the spider. The boys play with him in the nursery every Sunday and Wednesday.

Tucker and Brady, two other little boys that go to our church.


  1. I love those things! :) I sprayed Riley's hair orange one year and I agree, it was easy to come out! :) Go Momma!

  2. Oh. My. Gosh. Just precious. I LOVE, LOVE, love their costumes!!!! I am so impressed. Every year I intend to do something super cute and am always worried that Lucy won't cooperate and wear what I've made or bought. This year, I was all, "I'll do matching/coordinating costumes for the kids" and never got that far. THESE ARE TO DIE FOR!! Fantastic job, Mommy!!!
