Andrew is 1 today! So much has happened in the last year and we are just thankful that Andrew is a healthy, happy little boy. Andrew was born in Pittsburgh, had surgery when he was 8 weeks old and spent the next several months in and out of hospitals as a visitor to his big brother. At 4 months old, we moved him to Louisiana. At 6 months old he finally starting sleeping through the night and at 8 1/2 months he became mobile, a quick expert at crawling. Today he's one and a day never goes by that he doesn't bring a smile to my face and heart. At 1 year old Andrew...
- has 7 new one's this month.
- is down to 3 bottles a day and starting to take milk with his meals. Hopefully we'll get him completely off his bottle over the next month or so.
- is not a fan of fruit, but loves canned vegetables and the toddler meals that his brother eats.
- weighs 20 pounds 10 ounces (25%) and is 29.5 inches tall (50%).
- giggles like a hyena (video below).
- loves to walk behind push toys and is very good at it.
- loves to crawl and climb on his brother, cat, and parents.
- is working on getting down to 1 nap a day...maybe soon he'll even nap in his crib.
- is having his first birthday party this Saturday (I'll post pics after it happens).
Walking behind the train.

Smiling and crawling after mommy.

Standing on his knees.

Showing off his smile :)

Playing with his favorite big brother.

Andrew's Evil Laugh
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