Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Oma and Opa's

We spend quite a bit of time hanging out at Oma and Opa's (my mom and dad) while in Indiana. I loved that a day never went by when one of the boys' cousins didn't stop by. (I don't think Opa enjoyed the extra volume that went with the extra people, but he survived!) It was so great to see the boys interacting with their cousins.

Andrew loved Oma's endtables. It was hilarious to watch him try to reach objects in the middle of the table. He would walk all around the table trying to figure out why he couldn't get to the middle from any side.

James loved to run around in his walker on the hardwood floors. Bennett was often chasing him with the shopping cart in the lower left part of the picture. By the end of the week they were playing bumper cars.
When James wasn't in his walker, Andrew was often pushing it around. He even stood on the blue part and rode it like a scooter once.

James and Lightning

Everyone learned to defend their toes when James was in his walker!

James opening his birthday present from AJ and family.

Mia wants one too, AJ!

James loved laying on the blanket and looking at the pictures.

Mia loving on James...James is trying to push her out of the way because she's blocking the TV.

Breakfast time after a cousin sleepover at Oma's.

Watching "Cars" while the grown-ups set up for a game night (pics later of that).

Some of the cousins...Bennett did NOT want to be in the picture :)

Andrew only wanted his picture taken once!

Mia was fine once Andrew was removed :)

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