Andrew was 4 months old yesterday. He's a good boy for the most part, although he's still not on a very good schedule. The move last week messed up his days and nights but we've finally got those straightened out again (I hope). He eats when he wants and sleeps when we can convince him he's tired...he'd prefer to cry over actually falling asleep :) He's growing and drooling on everything. He soaks through multiple bibs everyday and usually his shirt too. He is showing interest in toys, books, and TV these days and prefers to play with mommy or daddy as opposed to by himself. He likes to play with big brother too, but James mostly just takes toys away from him. We're hoping to get him into his new pediatrician next week for his check-up, but we have some we have to get our new insurance squared away first. Unlike his stoic big brother, Andrew smiles easily and often. I think the brothers are going to compliment each other well and get along great as they grow up together. Here are a few pics of Andrew on his 4-month birthday...
Sitting in his Bumbo. Although he is in a hurry to sit on his own.

Laughing and playing with mommy while she takes pictures.

Playing with letter links in his bouncy.

Bouncing and weight-bearing in his bouncy.

On a side note, the drive down to Louisiana was uneventful. The boys (and Oliver) did better than we expected them to. Every hour we drove it got warmer until it hit 70 degrees when we were in Mississippi. We are staying in temporary housing but have found a brand new apartment complex with large 3 bedroom apartments. We're excited about it! I hope all of you are staying warm up North and aren't snowed in. We actually had some temperatures below freezing here this week and it caused the schools to close for a couple days. It's supposed to be in the 60s tomorrow...come and visit if you need a break from the cold :)
He is getting so big. Im glad you guys are getting setteled in. We would love to come see yo all some time.