Monday, December 20, 2010

Please Keep Praying

Although James' surgery went well, he's still in the hospital and not all better. His issues at this point appear to be mainly respiratory. His airways are probably still swollen and he's retracting (his ribs cave in when he breathes). His breathing is also a little fast, all indicating that he's working harder to breathe than he should be. The doctors can't give me any definite answers which tells me they don't know what's causing his problems and so aren't sure how to treat them effectively.

I feel like I'm screaming my prayers at God these days. I have been praying for a miraculous healing for James' health issues since before he was born, but for some reason (unknown to me) our family, especially James, is being put through trials that we can not shoulder on our own. I will continue to pray for a miracle, but would be happy just to have answers on how to make him feel better. I mostly just pray for James' suffering to be over. Please pray that God will bring strength and healing to our family.

On a happy note, Andrew is growing well and full of smiles for us. If not for him, I'm not sure how I would get out of bed some days. I guess I know why God surprised us with our second little bundle of joy so close to our first :)


  1. So far your prayers haven't been answered in the ways you expected, and yet, I think that you guys are handling everything with such grace, strength and faith that you are inspiring so many around you. You continue to be prayed for by so many of us who love and care for you--as do James and Andrew. Please know that you are not alone in this fight--I know you know this but sometimes it's nice to be reminded. You guys are shouldering the heaviest part of the burden but we all want to share it with you if we can!

    Here's to miraculous healing and recoveries and LOTS of feeling better!!!!!!

  2. heavenly father,
    i pray for peace for this family. i pray that james would heal quickly. i pray that you would put your hand on all of them that they may feel your love right where they are. i pray you would shower your blessings over them.
    "The Lord your God is with you. He is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you. He will quiet you with His love. He will rejoice over you with singing." Zeph 3:17
    be their strength Lord. draw close to them.

  3. Oh Liz. I can't imagine how hard this is for you. remember that many people care about your family and would happily help you carry this load. we will be absolutely praying for peace, answers and healing for all of you.

  4. Liz, I'm so sorry that you're having to go through this. I know it may seem that God is not hearing your prayers, but he is. He is with you, and he knows what you are needing. One of my favorite songs is Casting Crowns "Praise you in this storm"...tonight, after reading your post, it hit home even more.
    Just continue to stay strong...James will come through this, and you'll all be home together soon. We'll keep praying for you all! Megan

    "And I'll praise you in this storm
    and I will lift my hands
    for You are who You are
    no matter where I am
    and every tear I've cried
    You hold in your hand
    You never left my side
    and though my heart is torn
    I will praise You in this storm "
    Casting Crowns

  5. My greatest strength has always come from Psalms 121: I lift up my eyes to the hills. From whence does my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.

    I pray for our sweet little James that he will receive the healing he deserves and continue to touch our hearts with his smiles.

    You've all been so brave for so long...if there is to be a miracle, let it be soon.

    Love and hugs, A. Jane
