Sunday, April 18, 2010

A Better Day

Thanks be to God! I'm not sure Dave and I could have made it through another day like Friday so he sent us a relaxing Saturday. James started doing much better after they got his vent all cleaned off Saturday morning. They were able to decrease his vent settings a few times last night and decreased his painkiller drip. He also slept through the night without his adavin (another painkiller) every 4 hours. Yay! We still haven't got the test results back for his RSV test, but I'm expecting it to be negative since he is on the vaccine. I'm still hoping he'll be off his vent by tomorrow (Monday) morning so that he can have his dye test as planned. The surgeon's won't do it unless he's off the vent. The dye test is to see if he can eat orally and he definitely can't do that with the vent in his mouth, so there's really no reason to do the test until he's breathing on his own. Here's hoping for another good day!

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad to hear that he is doing better. I have been thinking about you guys and praying for you a lot the past couple days. I'll keep the prayers coming! How is Mommy feeling? :)
