The weather here is really improving. It's going to be in the 40's all weekend! The weathermen are worried about all the snow melting too quickly, but it's hard to complain when the sun is out!
James is doing great! His 7 month birthday is Thursday. He's growing like a weed. Last week he weighed in at 19 pounds 7 ounces. It's hard to believe that he was born under 4 pounds just 7 months ago. We started him on rice cereal last week. He'd maxed out the number of ounces the pediatrician said he should get per day, so now we mix the cereal with his formula and it goes through the tube too. We're looking forward to seeing his surgeon in a week and a half. James love to play on his mat. He grabs his animals and shakes rattles like it's the best thing in life!
Kevin and Patty, Dave's friends from Chicago, are in town this weekend. They're actually at a Pens hockey game right now. James is feeling a little left out, but since he doesn't do loud places well, we stayed home :)
Please pray for Tate McKinnis, 2 months old. His parents are friends of ours in Lafayette and he has RSV and is in the hospital. Please also pray for the newly arrived Evan Bennett, Megan and Wally's boy. He arrived early and is working on growing big and strong so that he can go home to his family.
I leave you with a picture of James and myself relaxing on the couch.
Thanks, Elizabeth, for mentioning us! (This is Megan, by the way!) I just happened to be checking out everyone's blog, and I saw your comment about Evan. How nice!!! :) :)