Wednesday, January 6, 2010


James' corrective surgery is finally scheduled! The date is set for January 22nd. We just take him in that morning and then he'll have surgery first thing. He'll be in the hospital for 7 - 14 days, depending on how well he takes to the bottle and recovers.

We're all fighting colds here. I think someone must have put it in a present :) Dave came down with it over the weekend, James yesterday morning, and me last night. Our colds our comprised of sore throats and congestion. James decided that his cold means that he doesn't really sleep, so we were up most of the night together. I thought I was going to pass out so Dave was nice enough to take over around 4 am so I could get a few hours sleep. Sleep or no sleep, the cold caught me too. Now we're a bundle of fun. James doesn't really cough so he works really hard at working the mucus out of his esophagus...yummy. The surgeon listened to him today and said that the congestion is minor and he already seems to be getting better. Pray for a quick recovery and that he stays healthy so that we can stick to surgery on the 22nd!

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