Friday, October 9, 2009

Round 5

James' next trip to the OR is scheduled for Wednesday, October 14th. The doctors have been pleased with the growth of his esophagus this week, seen through the daily x-rays. The plan is to go in Wednesday morning to fix him up (I'll believe it when I see it). However, if the x-ray they take that morning doesn't look as good as they want it to, then they will postpone the procedure.

James is doing alright. He's back on full feeds and is gaining weight. The nurses alternate morphine and tylenol for the little guy every 3 hours to keep the pain away (I'm guessing it's not pleasant to have giant clamps attached to wires coming out of your back). So he's not in pain, but he is also not quite comfortable. Each day I just pray that he sleeps through it all!


  1. More prayers for you guys! I'm thrilled that things are scheduled for Wednesday. I'm also glad that he's back on full feeds and is gaining weight. The morphine/tylenol trick is probably keeping him comfy and happy, though, so I'm glad that they're doing that for him. You guys are so strong--we are so proud of you!

  2. Beef! We're all thinking of you and lil James and the hubby. ...On a lighter note, I'm trying to get some friends together Thursday night and we want to go to Adam's restaurant in Indy. Can you email me any contact info?
