Andrew hit the 15 month mark earlier this month. He amazes me everyday with how quickly he's learning. He also tests my patience everyday with his super sneakiness...I have a feeling he's going to be a toddler who becomes good friends with the time out chair :) At 15 months Andrew is:
- 24 pounds; 30 inches tall
- Walking since about 13 months
- Yesterday he discovered he could spin in circles...hilarious!
- Loves to climb, but is still quite clumsy so he always has a scrape or bruise on his head
- Has 12 teeth and counting
- Loves to read, play with his kitty and big brother, do puzzles, and get into anything he knows he's not supposed to (maybe I should try reverse psychology with this one!)
- Laughs and smiles as he runs into your open arms for a hug (Dave and I agree that his is our favorite thing about his personality!)
- Is a picky eater, but will eat non-stop of the things he likes
- Babbles constantly and says something that resembles "kitty"
- Hates getting his diaper changed and sleeping in his crib (he sleeps in the guest bed)
- Loves hamming it up for the camera!
Andrew Loves his kitty!