Tuesday, April 26, 2011
We had a lovely Easter. Although we didn't make it up north to visit any family, we were able to spend Easter with new friends in Louisiana. The weekend before Easter we took the boys to an Easter Egg hunt at PPG. They even tolerated having their picture taken with the Easter bunny. I was pleasantly surprised they didn't scream at him. Dave had a few days off for Easter and we were able to get lots of family time in over the weekend. Saturday we went to our Pastor's birthday party at a nearby lake. It was a lovely, breezy day. On Sunday we went to church and then had an Easter dinner with some families from church. We have truly been blessed with our new friends and church family. I hope everyone had a Happy Easter!

Monday, April 18, 2011
Beautiful Weekend
It was a sunny weekend in the high 70's this weekend so we got out and about as much as we could with two little boys that both take at least 2 naps a day. We went to a picnic/Easter Egg hunt (I'll post all Easter related pictures later) at PPG Park on Saturday afternoon and then went to watch Dave's softball practice in the early evening. On Sunday we went to church and then visited the pool that afternoon. It was nice to have a fun weekend with everyone feeling well enough to get out.
James on the slide...he loves them.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Our New Place
Since we're not sure how long we're going to be in Louisiana, Dave and I decided to rent while we're here. I'm so glad we did. After getting to know the people here, I've learned that owning a home here comes with a totally new set of challenges. Termites are a regular problem around here and everyone has there home checked at least twice a year. There's also hurricane season and the stockpile of plywood and other accessories you need to have to protect your house in case of bad weather. Those two things alone were enough to make me relieved that I don't have to worry about that! The termite protection billboards I see every couple blocks remind me every day that I'm thankful for our apartment. The apartment also has great amenities. I know we're going to love having a pool for the hot summers. There's also a nice fitness center that Dave has already put to good use. The clubhouse has Wi-Fi, an "Internet Cafe", and a media room. The internet cafe has a coffee machine and there are often free cookies and popcorn there. The media room is a room with seating for about 10 people and a large screen TV and blue-ray player. We took James down there the other night to watch "Busytown Mysteries" on the big screen while we checked our email. The complex is also in a great location. And here are a few pictures...the inside is nice but a mess so enjoy what you get!
This is the view from our 3rd floor balcony...the stairs I take every day are getting me into shape!
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Andrew is 6 Months Old
Apparently no matter how sick we get or how wrapped up in unpacking we get or how many nights James spends in the hospital, time still moves. Andrew is growing and developing like a healthy, normal baby boy. At his 6 month check-up he weighed in at 17.5 pounds (50%) and was 27.5 inches long (75%). Andrew eats like every other Iverson, which means he eats A LOT, usually taking down 40 ounces of formula, 1/2 a cup of oatmeal, and 4 ounces of baby food every day. Andrew is sitting up and weight-bearing well on his feet. He has also discovered that his feet are a great toy! Andrew is full of smiles and is usually only grumpy when it's naptime. I am going to work a lot harder at getting a good nap routine for him now that we're all home. He does a pretty good job at bedtime, but still wakes up around 2 fairly consistently. We're working on that too :) But basically he's a good, happy boy so I'm not complaining (too much) about his not so good sleeping habits that are mostly my fault anyway. Enjoy the pictures of Andrew on his 6 Month birthday!!
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
This Past Month with James
Monday, April 11, 2011
I Owe You
I have been out of touch for the last several weeks. We finally moved into our apartment in Louisiana over the weekend of March 18th. We were all fighting off colds at the time and the move went slowly. Dave and Andrew seemed to kick it quick, but James and I were down for the count. We finally got all of our stuff into our apartment (but not unpacked) and James' cold turned into pneumonia (yet again) and he had to spend time in the hospital (yet again). He was in for 2 nights one week and then back in for 9 days the next week. We've also made a couple trips to Houston to meet James' new doctors down here and last week Dave had an eye infection and the worst strep throat ever. He didn't move for 3 days. Despite all of this I probably would have found time to blog and post pictures, but our internet was not working in our new apartment. Today it finally works! So I owe you several blog posts since so much has happened. I seem to finally be unpacked so I am going to try to catch up on posts. Look for several on James, Andrew, and our new place over the next few days!
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